Write the Vision

All success begins with a clear picture of what you desire and written down so that there is clarity No confusion about what is desired and used to set things in motion and a reference point for your direction.

Make It Plain

Another change meaning people have is being able to make their vision statement plain enough. It may have words that confuse the reader or words that have double meaning or requires too much context or explanation to understand it.

Read It

Once the vision statement is created the final piece is to read it. It seems simple or unnecessary but the reading of the statement is required to execute. Reading is more than just saying the words that you see, but it gives understanding., it illuminates different aspects of the vision, and it gives confidence to run with confidence.

Your Picture of Success

Along with the framework there is a video that explains the framework to help you write your vision statement through your own lens. Click here to get the video


How Do You View the World

We all have a particular point of view shaped by our experiences. Don't allow the your past to shape your future, create your future using the R.A.P.I.D. vision framework for business owners.